Saturday, March 13, 2010

Calligraphy Workshop with IAMM

Salam everyone!Ever wanted to learn a thing or two about Islamic calligraphy? Ever wondered how beautiful pieces that we see around are made? Well here's your chance!Learn the basics of Islamic calligraphy with an ustadh in just a few hours and have fun at the same time! And who knows, if you produce something good enough, they might hang it up in the museum!Date: Saturday, 20th March 2010, 10 AMVenue: Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia, Jalan Lembah Perdana, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaPrice: RM 20 per personThe day will start with a free guided tour of the museum and its exhibits. Then off to the workshop, and finally we end with lunch & prayers. Itinerary:10 AM - Registration10.30 - Museum Tour11.45 - Calligraphy Workshop1.15pm - Lunch1.40pm...

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