Salam everyone,
This is another article written by Hijab al Faisal. She is working at as a Web Content Writer teaching Quran to students living in the USA, Canada,and the UK. According to Hijab, Quran Reading is the largest Online Quran Academy, where they have taught more than 5000 kids and parents to Read Quran online with Tajweed.
Masha Allah!
Please visit their website for more details. :)
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Although there is a lot of violence that occurs in different regions of the world from Ireland to Lebanon that involves religions like Hinduism and Christianity, the Western world still associates Islam with violence. The Muslim conquest of Spain and the Ottomans that dominated Eastern Europe have provided a history of Islam that is related to power and force.

In order to embrace the world and not shun the “Kingdom of Caesar”, Islam has taken the responsibility for the world in which force is present. Peace that is present in a specific place or a garden can be accidental but it definitely cannot be the result of forced control, put in place with the aim of establishing and developing harmony. These forces can be social, natural and psychological.
If you Learn Quran Online, you can get to know about the laws of treating people and about punishments for different people in various circumstances, which play a role in maintaining peace.
With regards to violence Islamic law opposes the use of force in case of war and punishment of criminals. Inflicting injury to women and children is not allowed because it is a use of force against civilians. Only the fighters in the field of battle can be confronted with real force. Punishment of the criminals outside the sharia is not allowed and completely forbidden by the Islamic laws.
As far as violence is concerned, the use of unjust force against the rights of other people is not at all allowed in Islam. Rights of all human beings are defined by Islamic law. If there are violations in the society, then it is not because of the teachings of Islam, instead it is because of the misunderstanding and false interpretations of the teachings of Islam.
There is no concept of violence in the Islamic societies and despite many aggravating factors like overpopulation, colonialism, modernization, and industrialization there is less violence in the Islamic countries than in the west. Islam is totally opposed to violence. The perspective of Islam is based on moderation and its morality is grounded on the principle to avoid the extremes and stay on the middle path.
Similarly, if violence means the distortion of meaning or the fact that result in injury to people, Islam is totally opposed to it. Any distortion of the truth of the teachings of Islam can change the perception of a person, and he then possesses a very wrong concept of teachings of Islam in his mind.
Keywords: Quran Tutor, Learn Quran Online
Islam, Muslims and The Quran have become a subject of major concern to the world media, religious groups and people, especially after the events of September 11th 2001 in the USA. Many articles and books have been written about a religion followed by over one billion people worldwide, some of which saw in Islam a separate civilization that will inevitably clash with the current dominant western civilization, but some were more optimistic, showing interest in a constructive debate, seeking understanding.
Learn Quran
quran online learning is the best solution for quran learning
Online Learning Quran at home is an excellent program that enables adults, Muslims and new Muslims to Read Quran. AlQuranstudy have 24-7 classes. We have students in the USA, Canada, UK, France, Australia, Spain, Belgium, Ireland and all over the world. You can take three free trial Online Quran classes to evaluate our Online Quran learning service. After that, you can decide to continue or discontinue Online Quran Reading with us. We have both male and female tutors.
Online Reading Quran is an easy way for Muslims, new Muslims and their kids to learn the holy Quran. All you need is a PC, Headset with a microphone and a broadband internet connection. Alhamdu Lillah we teach holy Quran one to one classes using the latest software's technology and the latest Quran teaching methods and tutors. It's the perfect way for learning Religion and Islamic basic teachings in the light of Al Quran, Sunnah and Hadith. Now students of any age in any country can learn to read Quran at their own schedule and place. Parents can now watch their children learning Holy Quran in front of their eyes.
About Institute is a leading and exclusive Online Quran Teaching and Remote learning academy established in Pakistan. We are engaged in exploring the new avenues for promoting remote tutoring, especially the Holy Quran. We provide one to one Best Online Quran Tutor and basic Islamic Teachings to all students ranging between the ages of 4 to 70 living any where in the world. wishes to facilitate you and your loved ones in learning to read and recite Quran without leaving the safety, security and comfort of your home.
Yup agree with you, thanks for making aware of our islam, most of the people have many misunderstanding about this. To bring awareness every parents should teach quran to their children and if they don't have time then there are many online quran classes for kids are available on internet.
Online Quran Translation Courses in English
Masha Allah. Keep it up sister. You are doing great work. You are helping the poor people who have no knowledge about Islam and Quran. Sana from Online Quran.
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