Saturday, December 24, 2011

What Makes Islam And Quran So Inspirational To People?

Salam everyone, This is another article written by Hijab al Faisal. She is working at as a Web Content Writer teaching Quran to students living in the USA, Canada,and the UK. According to Hijab, Quran Reading is the largest Online Quran Academy, where they have taught more than 5000 kids and parents to Read Quran online with Tajweed.  Masha Allah! Please visit their website for more details. :) (Note: YMP is not in anyway related to any of our the guest author's organization. We only publish the articles submitted to us once it has been approved by our Co-Editors. If you are interested to write on our blog, please submit your draft to and In the West, we find...

Monday, December 19, 2011

Lounging With Muslim Belal

YMP Proudly Presents: LOUNGING WITH MUSLIM BELAL This Thursday, 22nd December 2011, At the Annexe Gallery, Central Market, From 8.00pm to 11.00pm Join us for a night of a flurry sounds of rhythm and beat, made solely with the power of words. Join us for a night of spoken word and poetry. Muslim Belal, “The Street Muaddhin”, grew up in south London with his Jamaican mother and spent his youth mixed up in gang culture. He reverted to Islam in 2002! The former rapper has spent the past year touring the country delivering his story “From The Streets 2 Islam” In a unique poetic style, which will leave you inspired and amazed. Check out the following Youtube videos: **Entry...

Friday, December 9, 2011

Young Muslims Project at TEDx MMU!

Salam! Alhamdulillah we are happy to announce that our member and Head of our Community Service Initiative wing, Zuhri Yuhyi, will be speaking tomorrow at TEDx MMU! Zuhri will be speaking about the volunteer work and charity initiatives Young Muslims Project is involved in. We are so proud of Zuhri and can't wait to share a video of his speech. We'd also like to take this opportunity to thank Allah (swt) for the blessings He has given us for being able to get to this place. If you don't know what TED is click here.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Faith Fridays - The 40 Hadith by Imam al Nawawi by Ammar Al Shukry [VIDEO]

Salam everyone. Have you ever wondered the effort it takes to memorise Qur'an or hadith and to quote it like it's at the tip of the tongue? There are techniques of course to memorisation but a lot of hard work goes into it. Ever wonder how easy it is for us to remember the lyrics to our favourite song? Ammar Al Shukry is a poet who uses poetry as a means to memorise and express his faith. In the video below he memorises Imam al-Nawawi's 40 hadith and condenses it into a poem, thereby making it easier for all of us to learn and memorise inshaAllah. If you haven't heard any of his poetry before please check out his website, his Facebook page and his YouTube channel (and make sure you watch his poem on Jannah!). Ammar and Boona Mohammad also run a regular online open mic poetry contest...

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Gotong-Royong at Titian Kaseh!

Salam everyone. For some time now Young Muslims Project has been teaching English to children at an orphanage in Kuala Lumpur by the name of Rumah Titian Kaseh. This weekend a group of dedicated volunteers are going over to clean their premises. Let's spruce up their home and  make it clean and beautiful for the new year (Gregorian or Hijri calendar, your pick!) Please see our Facebook event page for more details or if you're not on Facebook contact Gaelle Linard at 016 679 2483 or email her at gaelle [dot] linard [at] gmail.c...

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Beauty of Jannah by Dr Reda Bedeir [VIDEO]

Young Muslims Project recently hosted Dr Reda Bedeir for a talk on Jannah. Below is a recordin...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Faith Fridays - Fasting on Ashura by Shaykh Waleed Basyouni

Salam everyone! We've been missing for a few weeks and we ask for your forgiveness. Muharram is upon us. Happy New Year! I'm sure we've heard of the day of Ashura and that it is recommended to fast. Narrated Ibn 'Abbas: The Prophet came to Medina and saw the Jews fasting on the day of Ashura. He asked them about that. They replied, "This is a good day, the day on which Allah rescued Bani Israel from their enemy. So, Moses fasted this day." The Prophet said, "We have more claim over Moses than you." So, the Prophet fasted on that day and ordered (the Muslims) to fast (on that day). [Bukhari] Listen to Shaykh Waleed Basyouni as he explains the fast of Ashura and why the companion Ibn 'Abbas wouldn't miss it even if he was travelling (he would not fast when he traveled during Ramadhan and would...

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