Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh,
We'd like to give a warm welcome back to our beloved brother Hamza Tzortzis, in our newly revamped series 'Sheikh In Town'. The last time we had Sh. Hamza was back in 2009 for the 'Knowledge and Arts Tour 09' so we're really excited to have a chat with him again this Friday 11th April 2014.
Keep this date free!
We know all of you would have lots of questions you'd like to ask him too, so this session will be an open mic session where you'll also be part of the conversation. Sh Hamza will share his experiences, wisdom, and vast knowledge in this special event inshaAllah
So please fill up this registration form here - http://bit.ly/shmtz14_rg
*ALHAMDULILLAH, we have a special announcement!...