Sunday, June 21, 2009

Knowledge & Arts Tour 2009

Lets be honest...its not easy being youth. There are so many challenges to be faced on a daily basis, hence many of us struggle to find the meaning & value of Islam in our lives.

The Knowledge & Arts Tour 09 is being held to specifically help us youth find that meaning & value of Islam.

Whether you're struggling with your faith or tasting the sweetness of it, this event is for you.


When & Where is it?
The entire K&A Tour is from 5th - 15th July 2009. The Arts segment dates are from 5th - 8th July 09 whereas the Knowledge segment is from 8th-15th July 09. Locations will be around KL & Selangor.

Who are the speakers? Are they cool?
Yes they are cool :) Our 2 International Knowledge speakers are all known for their easy going personalities, speaking skills and rapport with youth. For the Art segment, Mohammed Ali @ AerosolArabic will blow your socks off with his Urban Spiritual Art.

Here are their websites:

We need your help (God knows we really do!):

This event is organised by youth, as such we would like to empower of all you to have a hand in making it a success. Here's how -

1) Spread the word!
  • Get your friends & family to come. If someone says to you "I'm not a good Muslim, i'll be stared at by everyone else in the room", let them know that they won't be judged, instead we welcome them with open hearts.
  • Blog about the K&A Tour.
  • You know the power of Facebook... use it :)
2) Attend with a cheerful smile ;)

3) Apply what you'll learn at K&A to make the world a better place to live in, by improving ourselves as individuals, one small step at a time.


This space will be updated from time to time with all the latest tour information.

Contacts (Please call for info regarding Donations/Sponsorship/Tour Content/ Volunteering etc.):
  1. Sue +6012-2275 875
  2. Daniel +6012-3222 014
  3. Nurul +6019-2827 621
  4. Amin +6017-2728 586
  5. Mariam +6012-2360 014
Thank you very much & we hope to see you there come 5th July.



Anonymous said...

assalamualaikum, i've just posted about the tour on my blog. insyaallah many will attend and learn more about islam. :)

Cat C.R. said...

Waalaikummussalam Pasembur!

Alhamdulillah! Jazakallahu khair (May Allah swt reward you with goodness) for posting the K&A on your blog. It was very supportive of you to do so. Do keep posting/updating people on the K&A as we go along ya! If you'd like to volunteer, please contact the numbers listed ya! Take care and hope to see you at K&A or our other get togethers! :)

p/s: Please join us on Facebook @ "Young Muslims Project" so that you can get updates on our events!

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