Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Call for Unity

Alhamdulillah (Praise be to Allah), this coming Sunday, 21st June, we're going to have a special get together with a special speaker! We have been given the amazing opportunity to host a talk with Bro. Muhammad Umar from the UK-based Ramadhan Foundation, so we're sharing this opportunity with you lovely peeps!

Do you think Unity that goes across the board; regardless of race, religion, or culture, is important and relevant today? Can it bring a positive effect on the world? Or is it just a utopic idea created by idealists? Whatever your thoughts on this issue, we'd like you to share it with us this very Sunday! And if you have any questions, our guest speaker will be more than willing to answer them. The details are in the poster so hope to see you all this Sunday insyaAllah (God willing)!

: This Sunday's VENUE will be DIFFERENT than our normal Hangout as it'll be in Duta Nusantara (map). When you are there, tell the guard that you are going to the Duta Nusantara Clubhouse. Anything, just give Cat a buzz.

P/ss: Refreshments will be provided so PLEASE RSVP ASAP so that we can gauge the numbers. :) Also, IF (no obligations seriously!) you'd like to add something to the table, you're more than welcome to BUT due to the requests of the Duta Nusantara management, we have to keep it clean and simple so finger foods would be ideal. Thanks!


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