Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Ramadhan Chit Chat Series: The Environmentally Friendly Muslim

Salam everyone!

Alhamdulillah, the support that we garnered from our Ramadhan Chit Chat Series has been amazing mashaAllah! And as you have anticipated the Series continues with yet another captivating discussion with "The Environmentally Friendly Muslim: Is there Even Such a Thing?".

We all know our duties to Allah swt. We know our duties to our family and friends and fellow humans around us. But do we know our duties to the world around us? Do we even have to take care of the environment in order to be a good Muslim? Is there any relation to the two? Or are they separate entities altogether and only reserved for activists and their agendas?

Join us for a seemingly simple issue but thought provoking in actuality. Guest speakers: Brothers Amin Rahman and Din Othman (YMP).

GoogleMap to venue: http://goo.gl/DxIjp

See you there inshaAllah!

(Facebook event page)


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